Connemara National Park Talks January – April 2025

All talks will take place in the Audio Visual Theatre at 7pm and are free of charge.
January 8th Introduction to ACRES – result based agri-environmental scheme Aoife Mannion
January 22nd The History of Connemara on a Postcard Breandan O’Scanill
February 5th Control of Invasive Species particularly Rhododendron Sinead Grimes
February 19th Innovation in Ecological Restoration (using wood and biochar) Sinead Grimes
March 19th ACRES – Ways to improve your result based payment through the scorecards Aoife Mannion
March 26th Small and Large Scale Nature Conservation Rory McCann
April 9th Life on Machair Eithne Davis
April 23rd Responsible Dog Ownership Fiona Conolly Loftus