Virtual Treasure Trail – Wanderful Christmas Digital App

The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) in association with Christmas in Killarney is excited to bring a virtual Christmas treasure trail to Killarney this year. Wanderful Christmas is a digital orienteering experience that enables families to look for markers placed around the town and National Park and when discovered, meet hidden virtual Christmas characters. When all are found a screen is unlocked to receive their “Wanderful Certificate”. Wanderful’s aim is to use technology to get children outdoors and active. Wanderful are delighted to partner with the NPWS to encourage families to get active and enjoy Killarney Town and National Park this Christmas.
Wanderful Christmas Video Link
- This is a free, daytime family activity
- Follow the map to find the tags and unlock the hidden animated christmas characters
- 2.7 km easy buggy-friendly trail starts at Anam Cultural Center and loops through the National Park and Killarney Town
- The app saves your progress so you can do the trail all in one go or come back again and again to complete the route
- Unlock all the characters to receive your “Wanderful Certificate”
- parental supervision required