Visitor Survey

What do you think of our nature information?
Follow the link below to take part in a short visitor survey. Help us improve how we present and interpret nature information in the park. What would make your visit more meaningful and enjoyable? Should we ‘go digital’ or is this a place where screen time is less important? How could a walk along our trails include all ages or abilities? Your help and participation is much appreciated. The survey can also be found on our social media channels.
Survey link:
Cabhraigh linn feabhas a chur ar an gcaoi a gcuirimid faisnéis dúlra i láthair agus a léirmhínímid í sa pháirc. Cad a dhéanfadh do chuairt níos fiúntaí agus níos taitneamhaí? Ar cheart dúinn ‘iompú digiteach’ a dhéanamh nó an áit í seo nach bhfuil an oiread tábhachta ag baint le ham scáileáin? Conas a d’fhéadfaí daoine de gach aois nó cumas a ionchuimsiú ar shiúlóidí ar ár gconairí? Is mór againn do chabhair agus do rannpháirtíocht. Is féidir an suirbhé a fháil ar ár gcuntais meán sóisialta